

8758 Uppsatser om Participatory Action Research - Sida 1 av 584

En studie av deltagardemokratiska experiment - trend eller verktyg?

The Swedish public inquiries and most of the political science advocate reforms in the spirit of participatory democracy to strengthen the democracy. Although it is striking how limited and narrow the scientific documentation is in analysing the effects of participatory democratic reforms. Still, many of the local governments in Sweden are reshaping their organisations according to the participatory democracy model. Is it a trend and a symbolic action or a veritable action of good-will of the politicians?The paper argues that the idea of participatory democracy has become popular and widely spread.

Har han det bra så har jag det bra : ett aktionsforskningsprojekt där ett närståendestöd planerades i samarbete med närstående till yngre personer med demenssjukdom

Om närstående ska orka leva tillsammans med en yngre demenssjuk partner behöver de erbjudas stöd som är utformat utifrån deras situation och behov. Syftet var att i samarbete med närstående till personer vars demenssjukdom debuterat före 65 års ålder planera ett närståendestöd. Metoden som användes var Participatory Action Research (PAR), en interaktiv forskningsmetod som innefattar reflektion, analys och handling. Fokusgruppssamtal genomfördes med två fokusgrupper vid vardera tre tillfällen. Samtliga deltagare var make eller maka som levde tillsammans med en yngre demenssjuk partner.

Modern aktionsforskning: kontextualiserad forskning syftande till enbart kunskapsproduktion?

Aktionsforskning är samlingsnamnet för en palett forskningsansatser där det som förenar är kombinationen av en forskningsstrategi och en förändringsstrategi samt två involverade parter, nämligen forskare och praktiker. Denna studie är en översikt över aktionsforskning som tar sin utgångspunkt i nutid. Studiens syfte är att undersöka och problematisera den moderna aktionsforskningens praktik och teori. I studien görs ett försök att besvara tre frågor; 1. Vad är aktionsforskning och vilka inriktningar finns det inom aktionsforskning? 2.

Socialsekreterares syn på insatsen kontaktperson : en kvalitativ studie

This essay describes social workers view on the action contact person. The study was qualitative and six social workers were interviewed on the topic. The effort contact person were chosen as the object for this study since it is the most common action given to young people, despite the lack of research about this subject. The result was analyzed out of conduct action theory and the theory of street level bureaucrats as well as scientific research in this area. The result of this study shows that most of the social workers consider the action as positive.

Chicago Area Project - ett exempel på hur deltagardemokrati kan genomföras?

There are lots of theories about participatory democracy, but rather few examples of how to create it in practice. In the 1930´s, scientists at the Chicago School, implemented some projects within the Chicago Area Project, with the aim to decrease the youth delinquency in the socio disadvantaged areas surrounding Chicago. In this thesis, I assess wether these projects, and in particular the one at the Russell Square Area, have some common features with the thoughts of two of the most famous participatory democrats, Carole Pateman and Benjamin Barber. My question is if the Chicago Area Project could be seen as an experiment in participatory democracy. I find that participatory democrats could benefit from the experiences of the Chicago Area Project.

Uppamma mod och utjämna makt : Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt där arbetsredskap utformades tillsammans med sjuksköterskestudenter för att kunna lindra för personer att leva med ovisshet.

Uncertainty is a well-known phenomenon that is recurring in biographies, imaginative literature and science, but is less studied in nursing science. The aim of this Participatory Action Research project was to, in collaboration with nursing students; explore nursing activities for relieving patients? uncertainty. A qualitative approach was chosen with focus groups and the text was content analyzed. The students studied their third semester on a nursing program.

Strukturerat lärande genom Action Design Research. En studie om visualisering av behörigheter

As organizations are generating more business intelligence in their systems, more employees need access those systems. As a result some sort of permission management needs to be implemented to ensure the information remain safe. Access Control Matrix (ACM) is one way of managing permissions and is widely used among organizations. The issues that comes with ACM is that the matrix itself gets difficult to manage and overview as its complexity increases with the number of permissions. The study utilizes Action Design Research to develop a tool for visualizing permissions.

Svar på tal direkt : En studie om medborgerliga röster i ett deltagardemokratiskt samtal

The aim and research questions of this study are concerned about how, and what kind of, problems and subjects that citizens raise during verbal interaction with politicians and officials in the field of participatory democracy. The theoretical framework of the study dominates by theories with a positive approach towards participatory democracy, but there is also a broader discussion on the phenomenon?s strengths and weaknesses.The case in focus of the study is a specific phenomenon of participatory democracy created by the municipality of Växjö. The empirical material that is analysed is consisted of written text based on the verbal interaction from these meetings between citizens and politicians/officials.The outcome of the study shows that most of the verbal interaction was held between citizens and politicians/officials in a vertical direction and that a major part of the responsibility concerning the raised subjects is estimated to be in the hands of the latter part. In the light of under what circumstances the meetings are practised, the democratic and collective minded performance of the citizens is argued to be in good condition, despite the dominating vertical interaction and estimation of trust..

Att göra demokrati : En kartläggning av forskningen om Botkyrkas demokratiarbete

By studying a place or a phenomena research contributes to the creation of the image of the thing that he or she studies. Also, planning is seen as a democratic tool, a way to ?make? democracy. In order to see what democratic ideals that is being express it becomes important to study the research about democracy in Botkyrka. It is from this thinking this study about democracy and research has been formed.

Finns det någon här som kan ha en teori om vad det hela kan bero på? : En netnografisk undersökning av diskussionsforumet på träningssajten Funbeat

The purpose of this study is to explore the Swedish site Funbeat which is a space dedicated to people who share an interest in exercising in general, and running in particular. By applying a netnographic analysis, I will investigate if Funbeat matches the criteria of a participatory culture and how the members manage to establish a collective intelligence within the community. In order to achieve this, I will analyze the interactivity between the participants which occurs in discussion threads concerning injuries related to running, in the sites discussion forum. The results will then be discussed in relation to previous research within the field for participatory culture, collective intelligence and interactivity.The outcome of the study revealed that Funbeat can be regarded as very good example of a participatory culture. By each member sharing their individual knowledge in matters regarding injuries, a collective intelligence was established.

Participatory design in game design ? a study in collaboration and ownership

Denna studie berör områdena participatory design, speldesign samt idégenerering och syftar till att undersöka hur spelföretag interagerar med sina slutanvändare vid speldesign samt om participatory design kan användas i speldesign för att främja känslor av delaktighet och ägandeskap. Studien har genomförts med intervjuer och undersökningar i form av en analys av fyra svenska spelföretags hemsidor och sociala medier för att se på deras interaktion med sina slutanvändare vid speldesign, samt en participatory designworkshop. Resultaten från litteraturstudien och workshopen visar på att participatory design kan användas för att främja känslor av delaktighet och ägandeskap hos deltagarna. Vidare visar undersökningen av de svenska spelföretagen att interaktionen med sina slutanvändare över lag är låg. De slutsatser som studien visar på är att genom att erbjuda sina användare möjligheten att bli delaktiga och att interagera med spelföretaget så får man en aktiv och stimulerande miljö vilken gynnar både spelföretaget och deras slutanvändare. Vad gäller participatory design så visar studien att det är ett förhållningssätt som går att använda inom speldesign. Vidare så visar det också sig att, om behovet för att välja ut mellan flera olika metoder och tekniker inom participatory design uppstår, så är ett ramverk ett mycket användbart och hjälpsamt verktyg..

Den pedagogiska kartläggningens betydelse inför åtgärdsprogram : En studie om pedagogers erfarenheter och upplevelser i arbetet med elever i behov av särskilt stöd

It has been shown in various research contexts that action programs do not always work as they should, even though there are clear guidelines on how the action programs should be designed and used. The aim of this study is to illustrate which processes that occur before an action program as well as how these processes lead to action that will give the student the support he or she needs. Through qualitative interviews with eight teachers, I have tried to answer the questions that I created. I have tried to answer my research questions that I have made based on the purpose. The questions are; What type of inquiry will be done if a student risk to not reach the knowledge goals? How will the inquiry support the action program? In what way does the action program support pupils in special needs? The result of my survey show that the survey being done for an action program is very individual-focused and that the mapping rarely shows on the teachers role or school environment to students who fall into special needs.

Det virtuella ärendet : en storbildsvision för arbete på ett samhällsbyggnadskontor

Denna rapport handlar om arbetet med detaljplaner på ett Samhällsbyggnadskontor. Den försöker svara på två frågor. Hur kan man designa integration av olika applikationer, medier och work practices? Är metoder från Participatory Design (PD), Etnografi och CSCW lämpliga för att utforma en sådan designprocess? I min studie har jag använt mig av dessa metoder för att studera arbetet i sin kontext på kontoret, genom situerade intervjuer och observationer. Jag höll även en designworkshop tillsammans med några medarbetare på kontoret.

En studie av den gestaltande handlingen : att förstå upplevelsen av en egen gestaltningsidé

The action where form is given to inner thouhts and ideas is a creativ course of events which is difficult to grasp. The main purpose is to research how such an action can appear and function. The method which is used to research this purpose is the qualitative interview. The respondent?s inner descriptions and thoughts about a particular phenomenon is what the qualitative interview aims to elicit.

Zoonotic Pathogens at the Interface between Humans and Animals in Cambodia, a Rural Approach

A zoonosis is a disease or infection that is naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals and humans. The majority of infectious diseases that affect humans are zoonoses. Environments where wild animals, domestic animals and humans live in close proximity with no or small boundaries in the ecological system favor the transmission of diseases between animals and humans. The above described situation is more common in low income countries, where humans and animals live in high density and zoonoses are generally more common. The study was conducted in Cambodia.

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